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ZAM Grinders

4 Piece Threadless FullMag - 2.2"

7 total reviews

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The ZAM 4-Piece FullMag is a threadless herb grinder held together entirely by magnetic rings. There are no threads to get clogged and cross-threaded. There are no center posts to get in the way.

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Grinder Specifications

  • Width: 2.2 inch (56.4mm) diameter
  • Material: Anodized aluminum 6061
  • Locking Mechanism: Magnetic pressure
  • Magnet: Neodymium ring
  • Teeth Shape: Trapezoid
  • Pieces: 4 Pieces
  • Weight: 8.1oz
  • Height: 2.3in (59.1mm)
  • Screen: 60 micron kief screen

Grinder Features

Patent Pending Magnetic Closing System

The ZAM 4-piece FullMag is a cannabis grinder without threads, and without any center posts. All sections of the grinder are connected using powerful Neodymium magnetic rings situated on the perimeter, with steel rings placed directly opposite.

Got a Big Ol’ Bud? Throw It Directly in the Center!

No magnet in the center of the grinding chamber frees you from the burden of squished bud patties. Before, the center of the grinder was a “no-go zone”, but now it’s the optimum location to easily apply the greatest amount of torque.

Thoughtlessly Combine Sections. No Unintentional Rotation

The ZAM FullMag doesn’t require any special orientation to combine. You don’t have to line up any complicated shapes or solve any puzzles. When two sections of the grinder attract, a rubber O-ring is compressed, preventing any unintentional rotation. Patent pending

Meanwhile the grinder remains securely closed. Drop it on the ground, toss it in a bag, or even throw it across the room — it won't come apart. 

Customized Magnetic Pulling Strength 

Different sized O-rings can be used to control the distance of the magnets, and therefore the strength it takes to open and close the grinder.

Planning to take your grinder out on a trip? Use a smaller O-ring so the pulling force is stronger.

Are you planning to hang out around the house? Or do you have reduced hand strength? Use a larger O-ring so the magnetic pulling strength is weaker and the grinder is easier to open. 

Patent pending

O-Rings Prevent Odor From Escaping While Preventing THC Deterioration

A smooth turning lid was prioritized, so while the entire grinder isn’t completely air-tight, the compressed O-rings do prevent smell from escaping. The O-rings also help prevent your herbs from deteriorating. 

Redesigned Grinding Chamber

The main grinding chamber has been redesigned to reduce the surface area of the inside wall. The wall height was reduced to prevent build-up and now acts as a guiding edge where extremely sharp trapezoidal teeth positioned close-by will propel unground material back into the path of the teeth.

Graspable Area - Diamond Knurling

Too many grinders have tiny lids that are hard to grasp! Increased part size in addition to deep diamond knurling surface texture guarantees that your hands are comfortable and won’t slip.

Collect Large Amounts of Golden Kief

Collect massive amounts of golden kief with a 60 micron screen. Fine enough to produce pure golden kief, yet large enough not to clog. Easy to clean, easy to replace. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Kenneth Andrews
Horrific quality grinder

Having waited nearly a month for my grinder I was initially delighted with my purchase. HOWEVER having used the grinder for approximately 2 weeks and having ground less than an ounce of flower, the magnet ring on the lower kief chamber attached itself permenantly to its partner ring in the upper chamber. The result of this is that the bottom section is no longer magnetised and kief chamber drops off. I emailed ‘customer service’ and have heard nothing in reply in three weeks. So Zams grinders this is my promised and faithful review. I will now purchase an SS HERB RIPPER which sadly I should have done in the first place.
ZAMS GRINDERS give the impression of quality, the reality is quite the opposite. PLEASE LEARN FROM MY MISTAKE.
Your welcome

Save your money and get a BCG

It was a great idea with poor execution. I love the concept of a threadless grinder that stays clean without a center post which would allow you to grind larger buds. In reality, the teeth are not deep enough to break up larger buds and the magnet doesn’t work as well. What’s worse is there is a known issue with the magnet which can break off. Mine broke after the third use. Customer service has been unresponsive.

Rhonda Fried
Zam grinder

It is definitely the best grinder I have purchased so far, but I wish the catch container was a little deeper for my use. It moves more easily than cheaper grinders, and I like it. Is it twice as good as cheaper grinders? Time will tell but so far, so good.

Cosmic Heart
Full Mag Black - Almost Perfect Grinder ( superb fine grind )

Been using this Grinder for two weeks as my daily driver ( Almost perfect few flaws which bring the experience down for me. Hopefully future updates and fixes to resolve current minor issues.

1st problem I've gone through 2 White friction O rings in less than 2 weeks. First was poorly fitting from start then lost shape kept falling onto the teeth while grinding. The replacment ring lasted less than 1 week and falls off and is loose. I'm looking for replacement any ideas please? as the ones provided aren't fit for current purpose/ use.

Second the middle chamber magnet is to weak and tends to twist unless the really squeeze top lid down, think magnification needs to be stronger on middle part to stop twisting when in use.
Lastly the flower chamber where you place the medication between the teeth could be greatly deeper like the Kannastor gr8tr, as the herb tends to spill out the sides as not enough depth to keep medication from spilling from sides.

Sorry I can't say better, but on the positive it's still a decent Grinder with promise, with those minor issues resolved would be a total All round Winner and Game Changer. Again AAAA+ Fine fluffy grind, that cannot be denied,

Matt Wade
Not bad

Can't complain over the wait, i know shit happens. The grinder's small, that could be preference. The teeth are sharp and it does produce a nice grind but for the money I think there's better options. The designs unique and the magnets are stronger than I expected