7 Reasons Why a Weed Grinder Is the Perfect Gift

That heavy lump at the bottom of your stocking isn’t coal, it’s a weed grinder! A weed grinder can be a great gift for 420-friendly family and friends. Here are seven reasons why:

nice weed grinder on chair

1. Small and Easily Giftable/Wrappable

Have you ever been wondering the isles of Walmart scouring for fun gifts only to second guess a purchase because you didn’t want to worry about the hassle of carrying/wrapping such a monstrosity?

You’ll never have that problem with a weed grinder. Weed grinders are generally small and easily portable. Some grinders, like our 1.1” grinder, are even designed to be comfortably carried in the pocket.

There are all kinds of special boxes and custom wrappings available if you want to spice up your presentation. Some gifts are un-wrappable, and while they can still be nice, nothing demonstrates thoughtfulness like a nicely wrapped gift. Weed grinders are definitely bow-tie friendly, no-matter how poor your wrapping skills.

2. You Can Carry a Grinder While Traveling

The holiday season is one the of the most busy in terms of travel, and you might need to bring your presents with you. So your limited carrying capacity is precious.

A weed grinder is something small you can carry while flying throughout the United States. While it would be a good idea to clean it if it has been used, a clean grinder is not illegal in any sense what-so-ever. It’s no different from any other metal utensil.

Even if it is dirty, and by dirty we mean caked in grinder hash, the FDA has stated they are not looking for cannabis on planes/travelers. Those drug sniffing dogs you see can’t and won’t react to the smell of cannabis. Besides, you wouldn’t be gifting someone a dirty grinder, would you?

That dirt is precious! Read this article to learn about grinder hash and the best way to collect it.

3. Large Number of Options – Both in Price and Style

It can be hard buying items for some people. They either already have the things you want to buy them, or you’re worried they won’t use the gift you eventually do buy them.

One of the best ways to buy a gift for someone is to simply upgrade their functionally useful yet worn-in item with a new and expensive version they generally wouldn’t buy themselves. You know they’re going to find it useful as they already have a lesser version, and there’s nothing like receiving something you want but would never buy yourself. It’s a safe win.

Give a Stainless Steel Grinder if You Want to Impress

For those of us who like to partake in the smoking/vaporizing of ganja, a weed grinder is such a gift. Everyone uses a weed grinder, so in this instance upgrading their current cheap weed grinder to our 1.8” stainless steel, or 2.5” stainless steel grinders would be sure to surprise and impress.

While most people who regularly smoke cannabis already have a grinder, many have no-name, low quality aluminum versions. Give someone a stainless steel grinder and as soon as they feel the weight of it they’ll know it’s something serious.

Nice Affordable Options Available Too

On the flip-side, sometimes we’re looking for an affordable option that simply won’t suck ass. You don’t intend to buy something glamorous, but you’d still like the gift to work well. Thankfully there are grinders like that available too, which is why a weed grinder is such a great gift.

Hint: But not all grinders, check out these article on determining a quality weed grinder, and why you shouldn’t buy a crank weed grinder.

4. It’s Nice to Have More than One

Receiving an item you already have but of a worse quality can be one of the worst gifts a person can receive. Now, not only do you have to use the gift they gave, but you have to replace the version you were happily using. This can be avoided by giving gifts that people would be happy to receive even if they’ve already got one.

Weed grinders fit that role. Many people have multiple grinders used for storing different strains, keepingCBD bud separate, and even home/away grinders. If you plan to purchase an expensive stainless steel grinder, you might not want to bring it to that party where nice things tend to disappear, so receiving a second cheaper grinder wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

5. Customizable Weed Grinders Available

Some of the best Christmas gifts are personal. A pair of uncomfortable socks can be vastly improved if they have your name or some other identifying message on them. A grinder is no different.

While we at ZAM don’t sell customizable grinders , you can get weed grinders customized so long as you plan ahead for the long production time. These grinders will also be of the very cheap variety, so don’t expect anything too crazy in terms of quality and design.

6. Fun/Useful/Naughty

When we were younger a pair of socks was a horrible gift. But now a warm pair of woolen socks has made its way to the top of the list. And even then, though useful, socks aren’t a fun or memorable gift.

A Weed grinder on the other hand is unexpected, fun, and still useful. It’s a nice gift you can share over a joint or bong rip while the in-laws are busy discussing more boring matters.

7. It's an Indestructible Heirloom Gift

One of the highest compliments one can receive is seeing someone using the gift you bought them after a large amount of time has passed. That’s the only way to truly know that someone liked their gift.

Weed grinders are made from aluminum, and while some will break, others, like the grinders we sell, might outlast even your lifetime. A weed grinder can be an heirloom gift, a perfect gift forholiday festivities.


The best weed related gift you could give someone is…probably more weed. But an herb grinder would still be a great gift to receive. And for you, the giver, it’s a safe sure-fire gift that’s bound to be well-received from someone that regularly smokes/vaporizes cannabis. Just don’t go and give one of these to your old-fashioned, up-tight grandmother.

Or maybe you should? There are a large variety of different types, colors, and some grinders even specialize in specific use. There are electric grinders if you just want ground bud as quick as possible, and there’s more. Check out this full list of the best weed grinder brands on the market. Happy Holidays!

Check out the grinders we sell!

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